Comlete Article Analysis


I have attached my topic proposal so you can see what my topic is

Article Analysis – Instructions

In order to effectively prove the thesis of your Final Research Paper, you will have to use evidence directly from your primary texts as well as the works of other critics. Therefore, you will need to be able to analyze these works, and also accurately quote, paraphrase and summarize these outside sources.

For this assignment, choose a critical article from the GMC library databases that makes a clear argument about the topic you’ve chosen for your research paper. The article you choose must provide more than basic biographical information and plot summary; in fact, if your article is less than 4 or 5 pages, it is probably not a critical article. I highly recommend that you send me a copy of the article you’ve selected BEFORE you perform your analysis.

Your analysis should be at least 500 words in length.


  • In your analysis, you should clearly identify the author’s thesis and main points by SUMMARIZING the article. Your summary should be no more than 150 words.
  • You should then provide a critique of these main points and EXPLAIN how this article will aid you in the writing of your Research Paper. (i.e. Will you use this article as evidence for a specific point you are trying to prove? If so, which one? Be specific.)
  • You should also include in this analysis a QUOTE and a PARAPHRASE from the article.

MLA Style

Mechanics, Grammar, and Punctuation


  • The introduction should include a clear thesis statement. It should also clearly identify the title of the article you’ve chosen and the author’s name.
  • Each body paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that relates back to the thesis. The information in each paragraph should relate to the topic sentence. In the body paragraphs, you may want to focus on individual points made by the author.