Critical Article Review


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Critical Article Review

Students will write a 5-page critical article review using 3-5 additional sources that will be marked out of 30 points worth 25% of their final mark. Late papers will receive a deduction of 2% per day.

This assignment builds upon and uses the article(s) students identified from their annotated bibliography as the foundation for this assignment. Students will select one article from their bibliography and evaluate it on a number of suggested criteria identified below. After evaluating the selected article students will write their critical review and relate it to the topic of help. Students should have chosen a robust paper or study that has a thesis or hypothesis where the author presents findings or a perspective on a topic with a thoughtful discussion. Literature reviews and systematic analysis while generally helpful to understand a topic will not work well for this assignment.

A critical review moves beyond a summary of the article and requires a detailed look at the article and evaluate or question the authors arguments based on their methodology, materials referenced and discussion within their paper. As part of the assignment students will also seek perspectives from 3-5 related articles and/or course materials and use these to further aid in the critical review of their selected paper.

The critical review is your chance to show how you think about an author’s particular work and your opinions and thoughts on a particular topic. You do however need to make sure your critiques and opinions are supported where necessary and referenced using APA format. Opinions and critiques that are not well supported will not produce good results, and opinions that are used from other sources without proper citations will be considered plagiarism.

This assignment is to be worked on individually. Plagiarism of any kind which includes not properly citing an author’s work or submitting an assignment similar to the work of another student will result in a grade of 0. may be used for this assignment.


This paper will be written in essay format with 5 pages double spaced adhering to APA format with each student using the following section headings: Introduction, Summary, Analysis, and Conclusion. While the headings will be consistent, the student chooses what to write in each section. Below are suggestions to get started and should be regarded as an outline only:

Introduction: State your topic and why you chose it. Include a summary of the thesis from the article you will be reviewing as well as your own regarding the topic and how this article relates to it.

Summary: Provide a brief outline of the article including article type, perspective, methods, and summarize main findings and themes from the article.

Analysis: (Here is where you bring in outside sources): Critically review the argument put forward by the author. Indicate why you agree or disagree with the author. Discuss how this study or paper contributes to our understanding of the topic. Discuss what the author is missing and what perspectives you would use in addition to this article.

Conclusion: Discuss how this article can be applied to how we help people and why this type of work matters in terms of theory,policy, planning or practice. Include a personal reflection of the article and its contents with discussion of how may have challenged, changed, or increased your knowledge on this topic

Questions to consider when evaluating the article:

Structure and Logic – Does the author have a good thesis or hypothesis that indicates why they are writing the paper or doing the study? Do the sections fit well together and add to the argument? Is it original research? What immediately stands out to you as interesting or conflictual about the article? What assumptions is the author making? What perspective is the author using? What other perspectives are there? Is the article relevant based on the topic?

Methodology – What methodology was used (qualitative, quantitative) and were they referenced? Did the author provide rationale for their methods? Did the authors cite any issues with using their methods? Did the authors describe limitations to their methods?

Results/Discussion – What type of evidence is used? Are there any gaps? Does the data support the conclusions that the author(s) make? How does this compare to other articles, studies etc? What perspectives are left unconsidered in the discussion?

Conclusion – Do you agree with the conclusion? How does this contribute to future policy, planning, models of help? How does this change, challenge or contribute to the knowledge you had of the topic previously?