4 page paper about community social workers


The community agency I went to is called ” Step Up Savannah ” but i was their to volunteer. Just do the best you can on answering the question . The name of the girl who i interviewed is Alexander and she was the community volunteer coordinator.

1. Provide name, job title and job role of person interviewed. Include any special training worker may have had in crisis intervention or related field.

2. Provide name & brief description of the agency, including agency’s mission, goal(s), purpose, funding sources.

3. Describe the agency’s client population (ages served, ethnicity, SES, presenting problems addressed, approximate length of time client is provided services.).

4. Describe the types of crisis situations addressed (sexual assault, child abuse, death, domestic violence, etc.). Describe models & theories of crisis intervention utilized by the worker and/or agency; if they cannot discuss theories, provide a description of their approach.

5. Discuss whether the agency does follow-up; reasons why or why not? What does agency follow-up consist of?

6. Describe barriers to appropriate referral to other community resources; availability of such services; and funding barriers.

7. Describe how the agency evaluates their program effectiveness? What methods or tools do they use.

8. Critique: Discuss all of the following: your thoughts/reactions on the agency’s follow-up and/or evaluation processes; any special challenges faced by the worker you interviewed and/or this agency; any cultural considerations/issues in their crisis intervention work; any ethical considerations/issues/challenges?

This is not a question and answer paper. The above topics must be included in your paper.

Paper Format

Students should follow the following directions regarding how to format their report:

1. All components should be submitted in one Microsoft Word document; any other format will result in a failing grade.

2. The paper is to be prepared in Microsoft Word, double-spaced [ensure that “Before and After Spacing” (Click Home and Click Paragraph Settings) is set to zero (0)].

3. All margins are to be one inch.

4. The font should be 12 point and Times New Roman.

5. The paper should contain the following parts:

i. Title Page [see the American Psychological Association (APA) links below for format requirements];

ii. Report (see the APA links below for format requirements);

iii. References Page (see the APA links below for format requirements);

iv. Appendix (optional) (see the APA links below for format requirements);

6. The report must be double-spaced (not including cover page, references page, and appendix).

7. Use spell check and proofread the paper carefully.

8. The paper must follow the APA guidelines. Some website resources are listed below: