In In chapter V of of The Principles of Mathematics, Russell addresses a problem (details in Description.)


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MLA Format 12 Point font minimum of 10 pages double spaced


Answer each question/subquestion separately. Please label your answers to each question with the number of the question/subquestion that you’re answering.

  1. In In chapter V of of The Principles of Mathematics, Russell addresses a problem that becomes apparent when you contrast simple subject/predicate sentences in English (like “Alys is altruistic” or “Bertrand is bookish”) with sentences that have grammatically complex subjects (like “Alys and Bertrand are altruistic” or “Every cabin is cozy”). This question asks you to explain various aspects of this problem.
    1. (a) How would Russell analyze the proposition expressed by the sentence “Bertrand is Bookish”? What is its structure? What are its constituents? What is the proposition about? How can we use this information to determine when it is true or false?
    2. (b) How would Russell analyze the proposition expressed by the sentence “Alys and Bertrand are altruistic”? What is its structure? What are its constituents? What is the proposition about? How can we use this information to determine when it is true or false?
    3. (c) Does Russell’s treatment of simple subject/predicate sentences differ from his treatment of sen- tences with grammatically complex subjects? Explain your response with reference to your anal- yses in (a) and (b).
    4. (d) Explain Russell’s notion of a denoting concept. Illustrate the notion by giving your own example of a sentence that expresses a proposition involving a denoting concept, and analyze that proposition along the lines of (a) and (b).
    5. (e) How does Russell characterize the notion of a denoting phrase in this chapter? How are denoting phrases related to denoting concepts? Explain, using an example.
    6. (f) Do you find the theory that Russell presents in this chapter satisfactory? Give at least one reason in favor of the view, and at least one reason against it. Which considerations do you find the most compelling, and why?