Response needed


For this assignment respond to the following with 200 words ashley:

Diverse Teachers

• What is the ethnic composition of your classroom?

It is about equal in white and Mexican students and I then have 5 black students.

• What are some of the challenges you face in teaching a culturally diverse class?

I do not face many challenges due to teaching preschoolers, my children are not old enough to face those challenges themselves either.

• About how much time do you spend lecturing? Facilitating discussion?

I do not lecture.

• What is expected of students’ participation and how do they actually participate?

I expect my students to sit in there box to start our morning but the most I expect from them is that they get along and work together.

• How is classroom time structured?

It is full of activities the whole class period.

• How do you motivate students?

By singing, dancing, dressing up, and playing

• How do you accommodate different learning styles?

I teach 2 different preschool classes so I do certain activities and ways to learn in different classes to see how well liked and how well they work for the students.

• Are classroom activities group oriented or focused on the individual?

All our activities are group oriented we do not want any child to feel left out.

• Is language diversity a problem for your classroom?

Some students have trouble speaking but not due to different languages, so no we do not.

Questions for you following the above exercise:

• Was multicultural teaching competency important for this teacher? Did this teacher have an awareness of cultural differences among his or her students?

The teacher did have awareness of the cultural differences on her classroom and students. It does not change her teaching.

• How did the teacher’s ethnicity affect the classroom? Are the challenges faced by ethnically diverse teachers the same as those facing teachers from the dominant group?

It did not change or affect the classroom because the children are so young. I feel ethnically diverse teachers do have more of a hardship when it comes to teachers. Due to the language barrier and possibly not understanding the cultures.

• What multicultural characteristics and/or practices did you find most appealing?

That her students are young so they are not facing the challenges of diverse ethnicities just yet.