Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection


Book: Wessells, Michael. 2006. Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Readings: Wessells. 2006. Chapters 1 to 10.


1 FULL PARAGRAPH IN 1 FULL PAGE!! No intro, body, or conclusion.

ONE PAGE LONG ONLY NOT MORE NOT LESS, typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font and the 12-point font size, with 1 inch margins on standard letter-size paper.

Needs transitions between points and logic, you have to Pretend you are the author and you want to propose a research idea based on the book.

“I statement” is optional. You don’t have to do it unless you want to so.

Focus on how his book and his arguments are different from the others he mentions and cites, and how his contribution is different.

The Required Elements are:

  1. Main Argument – thesis
  2. Information of “What’s out there?” (literature review)
  3. Theory 1-2 sentences
  4. How he going to conduct his research design – case studies? Which countries? Which periods?
  5. Findings – results

Attached, is the sample format for how the paper must be formatted. Last but not least, PLAGIARISM FREE.