introduction to government


Week 1 Discussion

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Download the American Government textbook (PDF version) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to view the page numbers, which you need to cite in your response to the below prompt. You will not see page numbers if you just view the book online.

Prompt: According to Chapter 1 of the American Government textbook, explain the three factors that explain why younger Americans are less likely to participate in political organizations and vote than older Americans. If you are more inclined to participate in politics, explain why these factors do not apply to you. If you are not inclined to participate in politics, explain which one of these factors is the most compelling and helps you rationalize why you do not participate in politics. *If you are an international student or otherwise cannot vote in this country, you can respond to this prompt as if you do have the right to participate.

Initial post is due Thursday; 2 follow-ups are due by Sunday. No posts will be accepted after Sunday.

Support your statements by bringing in and explaining the definitions and examples in the text. *In all discussions, make sure to cite which pages you are referencing. For example, “According to page 26….” or “The authors state that the political process matters because… (pg. 26).”

Week 2 Discussion (1 of 2)

Download the American Government textbook (PDF version) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to view the page numbers, which you need to cite in your response to the below prompt. You will not see page numbers if you just view the book online.

Prompt: Using Chapter 2 of the American Government textbook, identify one of the points of contention at the Constitutional Convention. Briefly summarize the debate surrounding your chosen point of contention and make sure to clearly explain the compromise that was reached regarding this point of contention. Address which side won (that is, the delegates on one side of the debate got more out of the compromise) and why. If neither side won more, explain why the compromise reached was fair and balanced.

Initial post is due Thursday; 2 follow-ups are due by Sunday. No posts will be accepted after Sunday.

Support your statements by bringing in and explaining the definitions and examples in the text. *In all discussions, make sure to cite which pages you are referencing. For example, “According to page 26….” or “The author states that the political process matters because… (pg. 26).”

Week 2 Discussion (2 of 2)

Download the American Government textbook (PDF version) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to view the page numbers, which you need to cite in your response to the below prompt. You will not see page numbers if you just view the book online.

This is a two step prompt: First, using Chapter 3 of the American Government textbook, define dual, cooperative, and new federalism. Give a historical example of each of the three types of federalism. Second, watch the below video. What is Craig Bezine’s verdict regarding the state of federalism today and its future prospects? That is, why does he believe it will be difficult to move back to dual federalism? Do you agree with his assessment? Do you think the people would support returning back to dual federalism? Why? Explain your answer.

Tip: I suggest reading Chapter 3 (Federalism) before and/or after viewing the video, as it will help you keep up with and understand what is being discussed.

Warning: Turn the captions on for this video, as the presenter talks fast. Having the words on screen will help you keep up, as will viewing the video more than once and/or pausing it when necessary. Crash Course: Federalism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Crash Course videoInitial post is due Thursday; 2 follow-ups are due by Sunday. No posts will be accepted after Sunday

Support your statements by bringing in and explaining the definitions and examples in the text. *In all discussions, make sure to cite which pages you are referencing. For example, “According to page 26….” or “The author states that the political process matters because… (pg. 26).”