Clash of civilization – Hindu and Confucian


This paper cannot be a review of articles dealing with a subject in international relations but must constitute an original social science research study. The paper must include the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, research design, findings, discussion/conclusion, and works cited.

Here are some useful guidelines:

  • Do not focus on current events because the cause and the outcome need to be known with certainty. If you are interested in recent news, try to find a similar event in the past and use this as your subject.
  • Do not write about the future (it is unknown).
  • Make sure to include the required sources in your literature review.
  • Keep your project simple.
    This length does not include a title page, footnotes, or the works cited page. At least five citations must come from the following journals: American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Peace Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, World Politics, International Security, International Organization, American Journal of Political Science, or Journal of the Political Economy

    Use a standard font (Times, Courier, etc.) and size (12 point) and normal margins (1 inch)
     Page numbering is required
     Avoid informal language or contractions
     Make an argument and take a side; do not just describe the issue
     Have evidence, cases, and proof to make your argument; do not use personal examples
     When using evidence or quoting, you must do citations, or it is plagiarism
     When citing a source, you may use any accepted method (footnote, endnote, parenthetical)
     Have a bibliography at the end on a separate page, which will include author, year, title,
    publisher (and web site address if needed) It needs to be 16+ pages long. Use standard formatting (double-spaced, 12 point Times or Times New Roman, normal margins, page numbering, etc.). Do not do a Title Page or sub-headings. Do a Works Cites section (which will not count for length). You must use at least 15 legitimate, mainstream sources with many proper citations throughout using the APA Style. Do check your spelling, grammar, page numbering, etc.