Commerce and Commodities in the Early Atlantic World


For this essay, you will write a concise and well-organized 3-4 page analytical paper on the impact of commerce and commodities on the formation and development of the early Atlantic World.

As we have discussed in this course, trade had a direct impact on the development of the Atlantic world. In this essay you will expand on the topic of trade and the early development of the Atlantic world. In your essay, possible questions to address are: How did commodities and commerce impact the development of the early Atlantic World? How did commerce and commodities impact the relationships between diverse groups of people? And how did commodities and commerce impact the relationships between people and land/geographic spaces in the early Atlantic world?

Your essay must have a thesis (central argument) that you will explicitly state. It can begin with, “In this paper I argue that….” Or, “This paper argues that…….”
Throughout the essay you will incorporate concrete textual examples to support the claims that you make. You will use in-text citations for your sources.
In-text citation example: “The Process of selective assimilation, or syncretism, was hardly new.” (Egerton, 125)

Papers are to be in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides.