Journal Entry


Write a journal entry which is 1-2 double-spaced pages in length that addresses the following questions. You are not required to include a cover page, but if you refer to information from your textbook or other sources, be sure you provide in-text citations in accordance with APA requirements. Make sure you refer to the rubric to ensure you address all the requirements for the paper.

  1. Description: Do social policies such as parental leave affect how many women serve in government and other jobs? How?
  2. Interpretation and reflection: What are the benefits of paid parental leave for society, for the population, and for health? What types of changes, if any, do you think the United States should make to its current parental leave policy?


Popovich, N. (2014, December 3). The US is still the only developed country that doesn’t guarantee paid maternity leave. The Guardian. Retrieved from…

Rutgers. (2017). Women in U.S. Congress 2015. Retrieved from

Sweden. (2017). Gender equality in Sweden. Retrieved from…