Reading and Answering questions.


I have the questions below, but the pages to read to answer the questions will be attached in the file below. I will tip 25% at the end of the assignment because it includes some reading to answer the questions. Thank you.

The questions:

The author argues that we are adapting to a new world, and so these changes are good. Is it farfetched to worry that the world we are adapting to may not be the one we have to survive in in the long run? (I think it is farfetched, but I tend to be someone who worries about unintended consequences)

What examples does he use? Are they appropriate to make his case? Do they generalize out to larger problems?

How would you describe his argument? Is it fundamentally optimistic or pessimistic? Thinking back before computers, what other technologies might be analogous in helping us “think…outside our skulls”?

Why does he use the example about the guy cheating? What does that gain him immediately, and what does it allow him to transition to talking about?

What analogy does he draw with the printed word?