Write summary response paper 500-750 word


I attached the sources so please use it to write the paper, use some quotation from the attachment sources, and please read this description:

First Analytical Paper Assignment For this assignment, you will write a 500-750 word paper in response to the following prompt using the supporting documents. Your paper should be uploaded to Canvas. It will be checked for plagiarism using Turn-It-In. Prompt: In the last few years, many in the history profession have turn their gaze toward the study of local history. While several of the topics that we discuss in this class concern the entire United States, I want you to consider the history of Tampa in a bit more detail. Therefore, for this paper, you must examine excerpts from three oral histories of local residents conducted by the USF Library (posted on Canvas). How do these histories discuss some of the themes we have been going over in class (such as liberty and freedom)? What does freedom mean to these immigrant and local workers? What are some of the challenges they faced in their new homes? DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS: Essays must conform to ALL conventions of formal writing. This means that your essays are expected to be doubled-spaced, 12-point font, grammatically correct, and refer back to the primary documents. Please include a word count on your paper. Papers that are either too long or too short will be penalized. Please submit your document as a Microsoft Word file – or a similar word processing file. DO NOT convert the file to a PDF. Format • Your essay should begin with a paragraph that introduces and summarizes the oral histories that you read. You should also have a sentence that attempts to answers the above questions. • In the body paragraphs of the essay (aim for 2-4 paragraphs), use examples and evidence from the oral histories to answer the questions above. • The last paragraph of the paper should be your conclusion. In your conclusion, summarize your arguments you made to answer the question. Quotations Your answer should be based on material provided to you on Canvas, as well as the assigned reading for this course. DO NOT CONSULT ANY OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES!!! I do not want to know what Google or Wikipedia tells you about this topic. All the information you need to answer this question can be found in the documents posted on Canvas. I will dock points for any outside research! You can quote directly from the oral histories. I am not concerned with formal citations; however, you need to make some effort at showing me what part of the document you found the quote. You are free to use Chicago, MLA, or APA if you’re comfortable with those citations. If you don’t know those, just include the last name of the interviewee and the page number after your quote. EXAMPLE: Armando Lopez said of the Cuban Club “They give me some kind of assistance in time of sickness and sometimes if I get sick they give me a small amount of money (Lopez 11).” Don’t forget, you MUST also introduce and contextualize your quotes. You must tell your reader what document you’re quoting. EXAMPLE: • GOOD: Former slaves offered their own definitions of freedom. As Jourdan Anderson explained in a letter to his former master, “here I draw my wages every Saturday night; but in Tennessee there was never any pay-day for the negroes any more than for the horses and cows.” For Anderson, payment for one’s work represented an important part of the transition to freedom. • BAD: Former slaves had their own definitions of freedom. “Here I draw my wages every Saturday night; but in Tennessee there was never any pay-day for the negroes any more than for the horses and cows.” The second example is extraordinarily confusing for your reader. Who are you quoting? Are these your words? Introduce your quotes, and then explain them in your own words. You should also try to avoid extended quotations. In almost all circumstances, you shouldn’t be quoting more than one or two sentences at a time. When you’re trying to quote a longer passage, intersperse your own words as necessary. When we see paragraphlength citations we start to worry that you’re just trying to fill up space… Writing You should try to give yourself time to write and revise your essay. Take advantage of the resources provided to you by the university. The bridge tutoring program will gladly assist in the writing process. USF also has a wonderful writing studio that will also assist. While they will not write your paper for you, they will help you edit and revise your paper. Below is there contact information: