​Write one hidden agenda or hidden interest for each party (Robert and Margaret Johnson)


Hidden agenda or hidden interest

Write one hidden agenda or hidden interest for each party (Robert and Margaret Johnson) that base on the attached case study here concerning the custody battle between parents.

  • According to state law, the primary parent controls the majority of the parental rights to the children. Imaging the secret purpose behind a plan or activity that each party (Robert and Margaret Johnson) bring to discredit each other.
  • Robert feels that both parents should share custody of the children on an equal basis, but Margaret feels as if she should remain the primary custodial parent. In other each of them to get the custody imaging something that Robert and Margaret Johnson could say to discredit each other.
  • Any extreme circumstances such as drug, alcohol, and/or child abuse.
  • Give all possible reasons that Robert and Margaret Johnson may use to get the primary custodial parents