history – discussion board


Read instructions for Analysis Essay. Follow the instructions carefully. Once you have completed your essay, you will participate in a discussion further with your responses to others.

It is very important for you to comprehend the importance of each discussion to your grade. Discussions are 50% of the course grade. Not meeting minimum words for your essay and responses will result in a substantially lower grade. Not submitting essays and responses that meet the discussion criteria, as per instructions, will also result in a lower grade.

Module # 1 Discussion (scroll to the bottom of this page for complete information)

Critical Thinking in an Online Discussion – Students will:

  • have a meaningful dialogue.
  • develop academic writing skills.
  • develop critical thinking.
  • learn from one another.

Students will be required to participate in all 8 discussions in this course. Your grade will be determined by the standards set in each module.You must post your own analysis essay first before you will be able to read essays posted by others.In this assignment you are asked to write an essay of no less than 300 words and participate in a discussion. Your essay should be referenced by at least two citations from two different sources. You may use the Utube video as a third source.

  1. Read the information I provided in the document ” Proper Example of Essay Presentation.” If you quote something, a number or author’s name must be placed in parenthesis after the quote, then noted at the bottom of the essay in your bibliography. Same for something you paraphrase anything from another author. If you miss these important instructions, your grade will be lowered. Read as many essays written by others as possible in order see some of the better essays posted by others. Ask yourself, did I forget to include something, overlook any requirements, what can I do to make my essay worth total credit due? No WIKI and no encyclopedias allowed for discussion board essay. Use only scholarly references.
  2. Respones must be 200 words minimum and specifically to that which authors have posted, plus your own thoughts. What was the topic they posted? What was it that you liked/disliked or enjoyed reading about? Did you agree with what they posted? You are required to respond to them by name. This is not a copy and paste response. You may choose to do some internet research to support your original answer and responses to others.
  3. Please do not wait until the end of the discussion to participate. Use the college library for scholarly references. You may use GOOGLE for more information for original sources. No WIKI or encyclopedia sources allowed. Do not use either as a source of information.
  4. Failure to meet minimum words requirement for an essay or response will result in a grade of zero for that post.

In every discussion essay for this course, supply your sources. After a sentence or paragraph that you have “borrowed” from any author, use ( page number and author’s name). Then, at the bottom of your essay list your references in a bibliography. You should attempt to use original course for primary information, not WIKI. Using WIKI as you primary source will result in a lower grade. This policy applies to all discussion board postings for your analysis essay.