Create a toy, activity, or game for education


During your studies this semester, you have gained an understanding of concepts, strategies, and issues that surround supporting the needs of students who are differently-abled in the general education classroom. For your final project, you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned to create a Universally Designed educational toy, activity, or game. The toy, activity, or game must develop a specific skill tied to any Alaska K-12 Performance Standard OR Common Core Standard. You will design and produce a prototype or visual model of the toy, activity, or game and provide supporting descriptions and photographs. You will create a PowerPoint Presentation to share your project with the class.

Your project and presentation should include the following information:

  • Your name and the name of your toy, activity, or game Skill (may include academic, social, communication, motor or other developmental benefit) gained from toy, activity, or game
  • Performance Standard reference (
  • Description of toy, activity, or game
  • Instructions to accompany toy, activity, or game
  • Prototype of, or Picture/drawing/image of the toy, activity, or game
  • How this toy, activity, or game benefits and accommodates all learners (If needed, what supports might be required and for which students?)
  • References of ideas borrowed or built upon to create your toy, activity, or game
  • Presentations should not exceed 5 minutes