Chapters 4 and 5 writing assignment


Part I. Summarize the chapter – in your own words please. Needs to be at least half a page or longer.

Part II. Define at least two terms

Part III. Find one other concept/term (not defined in part II) that you found interesting. Answer the following: 1) why did you choose this term? 2) any reactions/response to the concepts did they elicit from you 3) how the concept relates to you or to our current political situation. Please provide examples.

Part IV: Optional: any questions or comments you have about what you read

Example format:

Chapter 4

Part I

Part II

Part III

Chapter 5

Part I

Part II

Part III

Some additional considerations/requirements:

  • 12 point font, double spaced, at least one page per chapter.
  • You may bring in outside resources and cite properly (don’t plagiarize)
  • Constantly ask yourself questions as you’re reading like “why” and “what do I think of this” and “how does it relate to me” as opposed to simply trying to memorize information, that’s not the purpose of this exercise.