University of Texas Diagnistic paper National Security


Diagnostic Paper Assignment Guidance

  1. Carefully Read one of the designated articles.
  2. Write three pages double space on whether you agree with the article and why; or why you disagree
  3. Outside references can be used and should be cited in a consistent manner
  4. Use current real world national security issues, as appropriate
  5. This is not a partisan political assignment. Stick to the issues and national security. Whether you agree or disagree on a particular commentary should be based on an understanding of national security/foreign policy; facts, and good sources.

ï The diagnostic paper can focus on one issue or several issues related to national security. Generally, for a short paper (three-to-four double –spaced pages), you probably want to keep the focus on 2-4 issues such that the content is more substantive. Some of you may want to focus on a region of the world–or a set of issues. The paper should be written as one cohesive product Thus, you may want an introduction paragraph and a conclusion. I urge you, though, not to become distracted by format, but rather to focus on the writing. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure will constitute the final score, and as such will be especially important.

ï Sources are widely available from the course material you have (See Canvas) and from the library, if you prefer. The paper is your informed opinion–not feelings or beliefs. Sources are encouraged. For a short paper only 2-4 sources are needed.

The documents and articles already posted on Canvas, however, are sufficient to write the paper. These documents include:

  • The National Security Strategy
  • The National Defense Strategy
  • Various articles on Threat.

ï To remind: this is not a partisan political paper.This is not a paper about how you feel about the 2016 presidential election, President Trump, or anyone in his Cabinet. A professional provides sound information and advice as needed. (I worked for 5 different presidents. They all had good and bad ideas.) It is not about you; this is about demonstrating your ability to write as a professional regarding a national security issue.

ï Be as broad or as specific as 3 pages allow. That is part of the challenge of the assignment! However, I encourage you to attempt some insightful thought on the topic (s); in that you want to explain why you chose a particular issue and why it should be a focus.

ï One approach is to show how the threats impact national security and/or the economy.There are various ways to approach the topics. That too is part of the challenge!

ïI’m standing by to respond to any additional questions.