one page about this homework and please let me know what could be a good topic for the project


hi buddy the professor needs this by tomorrow and the instructions are below

what could be a good topic for this project I was thinking of “Lincoln (2012) movie” but i am not sure do you have any ideas

you need to answer the questions below

Write up a plan/proposal of what you want to do.

What is your learning objective? (topic)

What is your plan for learning about this?

What will be the outcome? (a paper, powerpoint, video, etc…) you do not need to answer this because I think it will be paper

here are the instructions from the teacher:

You need to come up with an idea for your own independent project.

For example:

It can be to watch a series of films all on the same topic – like we do for the class in our units.

You could watch documentaries and compare them to fiction movies.

It can be to watch a tv show and compare it to film in how it discusses politics.

It can be to watch a film and read the book and see how they are similar or different – and do an in-depth analysis.

REMEMBER, THIS NEEDS TO BE ABOUT POLITICS. Obviously, it can coincide with other topics in life but they need to have some type of political theme or topic that you want to learn about more in depth and how you will use film to do so.

Write up a plan/proposal of what you want to do.

What is your learning objective? (topic)

What is your plan for learning about this?