Smoker and anti-smoking


Project 1 asks you to explore a controversial issue by analyzing the positions of two stakeholders who, though equally engaged with the issue, have conflicting points of view ,Such as Smoker and anti-smoker. Project 1 asks that you find common ground between the stakeholders’ positions and that you bring these stakeholders together in a compromise that can move the issue toward some degree of resolution. For Part 1, you will complete the guiding questions and paragraph response noted below. These questions will help you focus your research, organize your thinking, brainstorm compromise possibilities, and refine your analysis. The paragraph response will help you begin to put your ideas together and generate essay content to take into the next Project component.

You should answer these questions

  1. List at least ten stakeholder groups that have a voice or viewpoint on smoking.
  2. Choose four specific stakeholder organizations and write their slogans or mission statements. You can find slogans or mission statements on the organization’s website. Be sure to cite your sources.
  3. Analyze two stakeholder organizations that seem to have conflicting viewpoints on your topic. What are their viewpoints, and how are they different?
  4. Stay with your two stakeholder organizations from question 3. What do they have in common? Describe the goals or values that the organizations share.
  5. Given the shared goals and values that your two organizations share, describe a part of your topic that they could both agree on—that’s your common ground.
  6. Explain how your two stakeholder organizations could achieve a compromise. What would each stakeholder organization have to contribute to reach this compromise? What would each stakeholder organization have to give up?
  7. What needs to happen to accomplish your compromise? Prove that your compromise will actually work using research, such as articles that support your logic, that report on a similar situation in which your idea has previously been successful, or that prove the viability of your compromise.

In addition, write a “working” thesis statement and 250 words about your stakeholder organizations, their common ground, and your proposed compromise.