An argument about case


Case Link:…

(No less than 650 words)

1. The Ethical Theory for the Argument : Utilitarianism

  • ARGUMENT should be at least1 page, longer is much better, must follow ARGUMENT OUTLINE for the theory your team chose. (Full sentences & paragraphs, no bullets). Follow that outline exactly. Also, never begin the ARGUMENT with a summary of the facts of the case. Notice please, the paragraphs directly before the argument are summary of the facts of the case. Summarizing again would be redundant. Also, never say “I believe”, etc. This is a team paper, a team voice, not your individual view.

More Instructions are in the document. Also, you must FOLLOW THE ARGUMENT OUTLINE to write your argument.


1. DEFINE UTILITARIANISM: Utilitarianism promotes consequences that bring the greatest benefit and the least harm overall. (just copy and paste definition)

2. State very generally, in one sentence, if the action of the case promotes overall benefit or overall harm.

3. List all groups who benefit (a sentence)

4. Write a paragraph for each group explaining how they benefit and why

5. List all groups who are harmed (a sentence)

6. Write a paragraph for each group explaining how they are harmed and why

7. Weigh overall benefit against overall harm