Fill out Research Worksheet


Time for Research

Now it’s time to apply the research process and expand the research you started in the last lesson. The notes will provide some structure to help you get started.

  1. Use the Research Web as you gather resources for your informative/explanatory article.
  2. Remember to write down the domain-specific vocabulary and key terms you learn on the Research Web Notes.
  3. Remember to look for reliable sources as described in this lesson.

I chose the 4th amendment.

Research Web

Your topic: 4th ammendment (specific Amendment/personal freedom from Bill of Rights)

Fill in the list of resources relating to the topic you selected. Two sources have been provided for you to assist in your research. Explore the provided sources and add sources from your own research. Use your Research Process Notes from this lesson if you need help remembering the research strategies introduced in this lesson.

Multi-media Sources: videos, audio, slideshows, or graphics

Source 1: Video, (use the video related to the Amendment you chose for your research), “The Story of the Bill of Rights,” Part ____.

Source 2:

Source 3:

Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms: (include definitions or descriptions)

Landmark Case Articles: find articles related to the landmark case you intend to use in your article

Source 1:article with list of landmark cases, (choose one case in support of your topic)

Source 2:

Source 3:

Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms: (include definitions or descriptions)

Contemporary Court Cases: find articles on cases related to your topic

Source 1:

Source 2:

Source 3:

Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms: (include definitions or descriptions)

Advocacy Articles: find articles or documents with statements from presidents, politicians, or advocates about the topic you selected

Source 1:

Source 2:

Source 3:

Domain-Specific Vocabulary/Key Terms: (include definitions or descriptions)