Need revisions on my rough draft before I submit my final draft


Instructions before submitting final draft: Please make sure to upload a revised reflection paper as a Microsoft Word document or an Adobe PDF document no later than Friday, December 14th, at 11:30 pm.

Read the graphic novel “Race to Incarcerate” by Sabrina Jones & Marc Mauer and then concisely provide your reflections on the novel as it relates to Psych 1 General Psychology. For this reflection paper, I would like for you to choose 4 psychological perspectives or concepts. First, you will need to explain each psychological perspective or concept that you chose. Then, you will need to explain how each perspective or concept relates to the graphic nove. Lastly, you will need to synthesize or integrate how incarceration affects individual behavior based on each perspective or concept you chose. You will only need to reflect on 4 psychological perspectives or concepts so that you have options for what you write about to earn course credit. The paper is worth a total of 100 points