Cultural Profile of a Society


Directions: For this assignment, you are to create a cultural profile of a society that is one of the following: Hunter/Gatherer, Small-Scale Horticulture, Large-Scale Horticulture, Pastoral, or Agricultural. A cultural profile of a state level society or of the Hadaza is not permitted for this assignment). For example, you may choose cultures like the Trobriand Islanders, Inuit, San Datoga, or Ainu for the focal point of this project.  Social Organization o Settlement Patterns  Residence Patterns  Residence Mobility  Territory   Political Organization  Leadership Type  Type of power exercised  Means of Social Control   Marriage, Residency & Kinship o To include mating ritual (s)  Religion  Language  Subsistence Pattern or Foraging Patterns o Division of Labor o Economic system o Material Culture (toolmaking)  Parenting You have been given license to be creative in the presentation of your data-graphics are allowed.