How to respond to a student’s posts


question 1

The book of Genesis explains to us where God brought order where none existed. Efficient planning in health care is essential when establishing the proper flexible volume, workload, revenue, departmental plans, labor, and commentary. When we plan, we are unconstrained to further God’s work in health care. Many factors that need to be prepared out include an accident, medical event, trauma, natural disaster or an act of violence. With proper training and planning for emergencies, the risk of an adverse outcome can be potentially prevented when God gave detailed instructions to Noah to build the ark. He was faithful enough to carry out to plan. He finished the ark exactly as God ordered him to, so the ark was able to withstand the rain and floods. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3. A mistake we make is the failure to follow in the Lord’s steps. We may feel as though we are wasting time on unexpected events, but strategic planning is essential.
Planning for every potential scenario is unlikely. Following a well-planned protocol will help medical providers and other staff members appropriately respond to medical emergencies. Specific responsibilities should be based on job description and purpose of the individual. Organizations are constantly changing. There is a constant need for monitoring and correcting.
Christian administrators should analyze the budget to make sure the needs of patients are covered. We should anticipate future expenses. It provides a rounded outlook in short and long-term to support last minute decisions. Believers should plan their finances so that they can meet the needs of others. Galatians 2:10 tells us to “remember the poor.”

100 words either agreeing disagreeing or relating to

question 2

Some health cost controls have medical consequences. During budget cuts, health programs reduce coverage, cause a shift in cost for enrollees, or leave special populations uninsured. In result of those budget cuts, we see risk in health prevention and wellness. Health care administrators put effort into lowering the cost of the health care delivery system by reducing the development of chronic diseases, disabilities or conditions, and health risk factors. We should focus on prevention programs for a community instead of treating individuals after the fact. The money we use treating an individual can go towards prevention programs that target an entire community. For example, obesity is the cause of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and complications during pregnancy. These are health risk factors that cost the United States billions of dollars. We don’t treat these diseases until after they occur. We can use those funds on systems based on wellness and prevention. That money can be issued in grants to create programs to reduce chronic disease rates, secondary conditions, health disparities, and an improvement in immunizations. We can build community centers in rural areas that encourage citizens to be more physical activity, seek counseling, education classes, and community events. These initiates can be challenging due to personal behaviors being difficult to change. It may be a long time before we see health and economic changes, but it will evolve. It will benefit the delivery system not only concerning health but the economy. Most of these health issues are due to lack of preventive care from low-income homes. Which means these diseases are more than likely being funded by government programs. If the focus goes more to preventive care, it will save insurance companies, taxpayers, and providers money.

100 words