MFT6107-6 Discussion: Evaluate the Interaction of Culture Contexts and Social Norms


Prepare a discussion post that analyzes how Western cultural views might contribute to the development of a specific view on sexual and gender pathology. Note any pivotal changes in attitude that happened in the past 50 years and brought changes in the way we currently conceptualize and diagnoses sexual and gender dysfunctions.

While it may take you outside your own comfort zone, reflect on what you think should be the criteria for diagnosis of pathology in sexual and gender identity disorders; for example, harm to self, harm to others, harm to society, and how should this “harm” be defined? There is no “wrong” or “right” answer to this question; in fact, you may discover some ambiguities and uncertainties in your own thinking, some questions you might want to explore further. It is important, however, that you prepare a scholarly discussion post that is informed by critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and research on the topic.

Support your discussion with an additional references to an article published in peer-reviewed journal.

Length: 450-500 words

Some things I have learned about sex, gender and sexuality by Mary Heath

Briere, J. (1992). Methodological issues in the study of sexual abuse effects. Journal of

Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60(2), 196–203.