Modern retelling outline


MODERN-RETELLING OUTLINE (no more than 2 single-spaced pages typed in the 12-point Times font, using one-inch margins and 0.5-inch paragraph indentations and including your name and outline title): Please submit a .doc or .docx file containing an outline that (1) succinctly and intricately summarizes a classical myth that occupies more than one page of Ovid’s Metamorphoses (other than the myth of Adonis); (2) cogently identifies an academic discipline within which this myth can be studied; (3) clearly and precisely describes a modern retelling of this myth in another artistic source; and (4) explicitly specifies which artist/artists has/have created this retelling and when and where she/he/it/they has/have existed and worked. In your .doc or .docx file, please include an excerpt from the modern mythic text (if applicable) and at least one relevant .jpg file or hyperlink to a photograph or audio or video recording posted to a Web site (with all of the recorded material lasting no more than 5 minutes in duration).