 Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position.


Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power with, who does this person report to / who provides a “check and balance” on this position? o Explain how the role is filled (i.e. appointed or elected and the process). o Who is the current person in this position and provide background information about this person and major goals / initiatives this individual has in this position. o Is this person affiliated with a political party? What role does that play in this position (i.e. with election or appointment, with how this person carries out their duties, with decisions the person makes, with accountability)? o What are the major issues confronting the person in this position currently? o What is your opinion of this person and why? o Based on your research, what are the major impacts in history of this position and explain.

NOte: Paper should strictly follow APA Format and should be at least 3 pages and have at least 4 credible sources.