4 qustions for midterm


Question 1Not yet graded / 30 pts

  1. Theatre is an occupation for many people. People tend to organize themselves into associations, guilds, unions and clubs that relate to their profession. Using http://www.google.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.or some other search engine, find the websites for the following professional and academic theatre organizations: Actor Equity Association (AEA), the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States (IATSE), The Theatre Communications Group (TCG) and The University Resident Theatre Association (URTA). Then answer the following questions:
    • How can you join each of these organizations? What are the qualifications for membership?
    • What is the cost of membership?
    • What is the mission/purpose of each organization? What are the benefits to members?
    • Are you interested in joining any of these organizations?

(Must be between 400-500 words) (30 pts)

Question 2Not yet graded / 20 pts

Explain how you stand on Bertolt Brecht’s interpretation of theatre from the quote below. You must use a SPECIFIC theatrical/television/film experience of yours to support your answer. Be SPECIFIC. USE A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE NOT A GENERAL FEELING. (i.e. Should theatre be an emotional or an intellectual experience?)

“He detested the “Aristotelian” drama and its attempts to lure the spectator into a kind of trance-like state, a total identification with the hero to the point of complete self-oblivion, resulting in feelings of terror and pity and, ultimately, an emotional catharsis. He didn’t want his audience to feel emotions–he wanted them to think–and towards this end, he determined to destroy the theatrical illusion, and, thus, that dull trance-like state he so despised.” (Must be 200-300 words) (20 pts.)

Question 3Not yet graded / 20 pts

Define and explain in detail the roles of the following personnel from a theatrical production USING YOUR COHEN TEXTBOOK:

The director
The producer
The playwright
The designer
The technical director

Which one apeals most to you and why?

You must quote from the Cohen textbook.
(Must be 200-300 words) (20 pts.)

Question 4Not yet graded / 30 pts

Using Aristotle’s 6 Elements of a Tragedy and Three Sisters, list the order in which you believe those elements are important in Three Sisters and explain why. BE SPECIFIC. You must quote from the play and the Cohen textbook.

Must be 400-500 words. (30 pts)