Research Topic and Working Thesis

Research Topic and Working Thesis
Post information about the topic of your research for your paper on Death of a Salesman. Your posting and comments should address the following:
- your potential thesis statement in bold
- the reason you have chosen the topic for your research paper
- the interest you have in the subject matter
- any discoveries you have made about your topic through your research so far
- Next, list at least three academic sources that you plan to use for your researched essay. Compose them as though they are entries in a Works Cited page. Make certain that they are listed in alphabetical order and use correct MLA format. Below is an example of a working bibliography: Goldman, Marlene. “Penning in the Bodies: The Construction of Gendered Subjects In Alice Munro’s Boys and Girls.” Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne [Online], 15.1 (1990): n. pg. Web. 23 Nov. 2013.
The thesis statement you include here is a “working thesis”; you may find that you change and refine it as you continue to work on your researched essay. A good thesis is usually in third person (no “I” or “you”), is a statement (not a question), and tells the reader the main points you are claiming in your paper. Make sure that your claim is original and interesting, not simply an obvious statement of fact. Please see below for more information thesis statements:
- Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences –
- The UNC Writing Center: Thesis Statements –…