

In Week 2, you were asked to select a measure of job satisfaction and indicate why it was an appropriate measure of job satisfaction. In Week 3, you were asked to critically evaluate the Meyer and Allen (1991) three-dimensional measure of organizational commitment. In Week 4, you were asked to develop Part 1 of your Methods section, in which you discuss the instruments selected to measure job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement. In Week 7, you were asked to select three antecedent variables and an appropriate instrument to measure each of those variables.

This week, you analyze a dataset that includes measures of job attitudes and a variety of antecedents to job attitudes and complete the Results section for your Final Project.

In a previous course, I/O Testing and Measurement, you used IBM SPSS Statistics software to perform statistical analyses; you will need to do that here as well.

  • Review the Job Attitudes Survey Codebook document located in this week’s Learning Resources. The codebook provides a detailed list of each of the variables that exist in the dataset provided. Select the three job attitudes measures (overall job satisfaction; affective, normative, and continuance commitment; and job involvement) and the three antecedent variables you identified in Week 7.
  • Review the variables listed in the codebook and the dataset.
  • Note: The instruments selected and contained in the codebook and dataset may not correspond with the instruments you selected in Week 7.

  • Open the dataset in SPSS. Compute coefficient alpha estimates of reliability on the items of the three job attitude instruments and on the items of the instruments associated with the three job antecedent variables you selected in Week 7.
  • Note: Some of the antecedent instruments contain subscales. Be sure to 1) compute your analyses on all subscales of the instrument and 2) save the output files and attach them as an appendix to the Final Project.

  • Compute an overall score for each of the separate instruments selected. Please compute the mean of a set of items, rather than the sum: (e.g., Compute JobSat = mean (JS01 to JS03). The computation of the mean allows for better interpretation of scale scores than does the sum.
  • Compute the mean and standard deviation associated with each instrument’s overall score (and subscales, if appropriate).
  • Compute the frequency of responses for each item associated with each of the selected scales (e.g., Job Satisfaction: JS01, JS02, JS03). A frequency analysis will provide you with the number and percentage of respondents who selected each of the scale anchors for each item (e.g., how many individuals answered 1 [strongly disagree] on JS01?). Frequency analyses provide you with further information as to how people actually responded to the job attitude and diagnostic questions.
  • Compute Pearson’s Product Moment correlations all of your variables (the overall [mean] scale score) and subscales (if appropriate).

The Assignment (5–7 pages including tables)

  • Submit your summary of data results in an APA-formatted Results section. Include a narrative of findings (descriptive statistics and correlations).
  • Create two tables (using data from SPSS but rendered in APA formatting): Table 1 includes the overall means and standard deviations for each instrument, a correlation matrix showing the correlation coefficients between each pair of instruments, and the coefficient alpha estimates of reliability (on the diagonal). Table 2 contains the frequency data.

Submit your Assignment by Day 7.