Jonural entry
Read How to Use Reading to Become a Better Writer and Want to Be a Better Writer? Read More. Then, choose five short stories (or excerpts from several novels) for the weekly discussions, identify where you found these readings, discuss how you discovered the authors of the work, and explain how each reading will help you become a better writer. When selecting your stories:
- You may select readings through local library resources or your personal library, as long as the work was not used for any assignments in ENG 329 or ENG 349.
- You may select stories from 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories, edited by Lorrie Moore, the assigned anthology from ENG 329.
- You may search the Shapiro Library Electronic Journals.
- You may look for another online resource (note that literary journals often have one or two free stories on their websites).
Your stories must come from a reputable source, and they cannot be works that were assigned in previous courses. When you submit the list, be sure to include the readings you selected for ENG 349 as well (there should be 10 readings total, but you do not need to reflect on the materials from ENG 349). This will help show your evolution as a reader over the course of the creative writing programs.
Please just use literature jonurals for the 5. I will do the 10 portion.