Fear of Culture


Upload a document or post a link or give resource information for a clear example of media contributing to the “culture of fear” as defined in the course material. In a sentence or two, explain why this is a good example.

Here is my example of doing the assignment:

Fox News today shows Media spreading fear of illegal immigration from Mexico. They have a report based on a single interview with one person and no actual data or verified facts to back it up. EXAMPLE “National Boarder Patrol Council VP: The System is Overwhelmed Right Now.” https://video.foxnews.com/v/5992467966001/?cmpid=googextension#sp=show-clips (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。

Fox News interviewee makes an unsupported claim that 5,000 immigrants a day come through the Rio Grande southwest border area—That the ones who make it into the US are in people’s back yards and could be dangerous drug traffickers.

Don’t write same thing with my example!~