Essay #2: Literacy Narrative


STACC: Fall 2018

Essay #2: Literacy Narrative

Writing Prompt: Write a detailed and developed Literacy Narrative


In this paper, you will expand on the ideas that you developed in your in-class Educational Autobiography essay in order to write a more complete literacy narrative like some of the essays/ narratives we have read. In the process, you will think about your education and how your identity has been formed by reading, writing, and learning.


Your in-class essay

Little Nation

Sandra Cisneros, “Only Daughter”

Amy Tan “Mother Tongue”

Malcolm X “Learning to Read”

Frederick Douglass, “Learning To Read and Write”

Carol Dweck, “The Perils and Promises of Praise” or “Growth Mindset” Video Clip

Min-Zhan Lu, “From Silence To Words”

Peter Elbow “Freewriting”

Natalie Goldberg “First Thoughts”


In an essay of 4-5 pages, write a detailed and developed literacy narrative in which you do the following:

  1. Define “literacy” as a concept in relation to your own personal and educational experiences
  2. Discuss your experiences in education and your experiences with reading, writing, and learning
  3. Incorporate at least one quote from Little Nation and explain how it connects (or doesn’t connect) to your own experience (properly cited and explained)
  4. Incorporate at least two of the essays listed above and explain how they connect (or don’t connect) to your own experience (properly cited)
  5. Recommended: incorporate one extra source of your choosing, which can be a movie, song, book, website, or any other source that informs your sense of yourself as a literate college student.
  6. List all sources at the end of the essay in correct MLA format (as a Work Cited Page). Cite all quotes and paraphrases in text also in correct format.
  7. Check your grammar and spelling, as they do count