Essay #2: Literacy Narrative
STACC: Fall 2018
Essay #2: Literacy Narrative
Writing Prompt: Write a detailed and developed Literacy Narrative
In this paper, you will expand on the ideas that you developed in your in-class Educational Autobiography essay in order to write a more complete literacy narrative like some of the essays/ narratives we have read. In the process, you will think about your education and how your identity has been formed by reading, writing, and learning.
Your in-class essay
Little Nation
Sandra Cisneros, “Only Daughter”
Amy Tan “Mother Tongue”
Malcolm X “Learning to Read”
Frederick Douglass, “Learning To Read and Write”
Carol Dweck, “The Perils and Promises of Praise” or “Growth Mindset” Video Clip
Min-Zhan Lu, “From Silence To Words”
Peter Elbow “Freewriting”
Natalie Goldberg “First Thoughts”
In an essay of 4-5 pages, write a detailed and developed literacy narrative in which you do the following:
- Define “literacy” as a concept in relation to your own personal and educational experiences
- Discuss your experiences in education and your experiences with reading, writing, and learning
- Incorporate at least one quote from Little Nation and explain how it connects (or doesn’t connect) to your own experience (properly cited and explained)
- Incorporate at least two of the essays listed above and explain how they connect (or don’t connect) to your own experience (properly cited)
- Recommended: incorporate one extra source of your choosing, which can be a movie, song, book, website, or any other source that informs your sense of yourself as a literate college student.
- List all sources at the end of the essay in correct MLA format (as a Work Cited Page). Cite all quotes and paraphrases in text also in correct format.
- Check your grammar and spelling, as they do count