Early British Literature


All the questions are attached in the document.

What can you infer from this passage from “The Sermon on the Mount”? “Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?”

a. God will provide people with food and clothing.
b. The spirit is more important than the physical body. c. Food and clothing are easy to obtain.

In the “Parable of the Prodigal Son,” the younger son

a. wastes the money his father gives him. b. disobeys his father and runs away.
c. stays at home and works in the field.

Which lines rhyme in each Shakespearean sonnet?

  1. lines1and2;lines3and4
  2. lines1and4;lines2and3
  3. lines1and3;lines2and4

The “Great Chain of Being” has a break in it in Act II. An example of this is when

  1. a falcon was killed and eaten by a mousing owl.
  2. witches appear and warn Macbeth.
  3. a dagger appears before Macbeth’s eyes.

Raleigh’s poem is a reply poem to Marlowe’s.

  1. True
  2. False

Plays at The Globe were performed both during the day and at night.

  1. True
  2. False

What does the speaker do in each quatrain of “Sonnet 130”?

  1. He praises his beloved.
  2. He makes fun of his beloved.
  3. He speaks to his beloved.

____ 8.

In Sidney’s “Sonnet 31,” what does the moon symbolize?

a. lost chances b. natural beauty c. his feelings

At the end of the banquet scene, Macbeth tells his wife that Macduff did not come to the celebration. Then he says that, “We are yet but young in deed.” What does he mean?

a. They are just learning how to rule.
b. They are very young to be rulers.
c. They are not finished with their troubles.

What is the theme of “Sonnet 29”?

  1. The speaker must learn to live with his disappointments.
  2. Knowing his beloved makes up for all the speaker’s problems.
  3. Life’s greatest disappointment is to live alone.