Clean it up, narrow it down a bit, clearer sentences , proof read


I need a good few read overs narrow it down if there seems to be more repetitive information

-Clean it up

-Improve it

-Make it flow better

-Proof read.

Add NEW SOURCES if needed but must be peer reviewed

These are the questions that had to be answered and written about.

  1. Based on your research and its analysis, develop a comprehensive list of 1) followership styles and traits, and 2) leadership styles and traits, each with comprehensive descriptions in your own words synthesized from your findings with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.
  2. Based on your research and its analysis, describe the relationship between leadership and followership styles in your own words synthesized from your findings with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.
    1. Based on your research and its analysis, develop a comprehensive list of desirable 1) followership styles and traits, and 2) leadership styles and traits specific to a recreational therapist
    2. Explain why each of these styles and traits are of importance to your success in your current or desired professional field and role. This must be conveyed in your own words with appropriate citations for the concepts, facts, and ideas revealed in the research.