Choose either paper prompt and write a 3-4 page essay.


Prompt # 1: Religion

Research any of the religions covered in this class (See list below) and write a research paper that utilizes 2 primary textual sources, 2 secondary sources (1 book, 1 article), and 1 image. Your paper should cover:

  • The historical background to the religion
  • The major beliefs of the religion
  • An analysis of all 5 sources
  • 3-4 pages
  • MLA format
  • Works Cited page with at least 5 sources
  • Paper must include quotations from all 4 textual sources
    Prompt # 1 Religions
    · Origin of Religion/Prehistoric/Neanderthal
    · Mesopotamian/Sumerian/Assyrian/Akkadian
    · Egyptian
    · Zoroastrianism
    · Greek
    · Roman
    · Judaism
    · Christianity/Catholicism/Protestantism
    · Islam