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Please write a short essay

Humanities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pDE4VX_9Kk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1GI8mNU5Sg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7wi8jd7aC4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jTUebm73IY Write a short (1-2 page) analysis of an advertisement. USE BERGER to help formulate your discussion. How does it communicate its message? What visual elements are important in its design? In addition to a formal analysis of the advertisement’s graphic layout, consider the symbolic relationship between the words and images […]

Writing a paper essay for Sociology class

Humanities Theoretical Perspectives on Family gives a little more detail about the functionalist and conflict theories on family. Read it before continuing. Be aware that some of this information is new and not presented in the textbook, although this document was already available in the Family lesson. Essay structure may be helpful in organizing your […]

3 Questions about The Columbian Exchange – Population and Disease

Humanities Using the lecture and the Crosby and Richards readings, reflect on the following: A variety of factors contributed to European colonization of the ‘New World,’ how dominant a factor do you consider the ‘biological’ impact of human migration and the introduction of microbes and pathogens (as opposed to guns, for example)? What can we […]

Developmental Psychopathology Case Study Essay

Humanities Read the Case Study for “Johnny” and review/score the DSM-5 Parent/Guardian-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure—Child Age 6–17 form completed by the mother (attached). Consider the following when reviewing the form: What information do you gather from the data in this instrument? What will you do next—based on the information from the Level 1 […]

400 word<<

Humanities Please start by carefully reading the instructions for the next assignment, which is Issue #1.2 in the taking sides clashing views on controversial issues , You must read and write about this issue, “Does Social Media Have Largely Positive Impacts on its Users ?” without the use of any sources other than the taking […]

Video Response Reflection

Humanities 1. What was your understanding of multiple personality disorder (now known as dissociative identity disorder) prior to watching this video. 2) How consistent (or not) was your initial perception of the disorder to that discussed in the video compared to after watching the video? What surprised you? 3) Now that you’ve seen the video, […]

political science

Humanities – Please write a summary of this book – The book should be Describe, as precisely as possible, of the following in different paragraphs: unningham, Kathleen Gallagher. Inside the Politics of Self-determination. Oxford University Press, 2014. Amazon link. the research question? the hypothesis: is the guess of the research. the key independent variables the […]

Racism milestone 2

Humanities “SOC 213 Part I Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric The field of sociology presents a unique perspective to viewing the world ’ s social problems. Social problems tend to be viewed solely as individual constructs and responsibilities, but sociologists take a deeper dive into the complex set of variables driving the development of these […]

FUN with Punctuation

Humanities Read below https://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/punctuation1.h… and watch tutorial. Then, return to the Module and Complete the very short assignment for this exercise. This is graded…and FUN Some of you have never been taught that punctuation is your friend. Creating well written documents with appropriate formatting is the hallmark of all great scholars. This is a fun […]

got some history questions that need to be answered

Humanities 1) Why was China sol long at the center of world power? 2) How did Islam by 1000 C.E. help unite most of the world outside of China and Christian Europe in the Eastern Hemisphere? 3) What were the continuities and contrasts between the development of civilization in the Old World and the New? […]