

Create an Environmental and Health and Safety Training that you could share with your peers. Imagine you are currently working in a child care center and need to present a training on potential health and safety issues. This should include two topics from Ch. 7, two topics from Ch. 8 and one topic from Ch. 11.

The primary/main topics from chapter 7 include:

Licensing–topics in this category could include but are not limited to: local, state, and federal licensing requirements

Features of High Quality Environments–topics in this category could include but are not limited to: Developmentally appropriate practices (DAP), group size and composition, staffing ratios

Guidelines for Safe Environments–topics in this category could include but are not limited to: indoor safety, outdoor safety or transportation,

Topics from chapter 8 include:

Unintentional Injuries–topics in this category could include but are not limited to: what is unintentional injury and the information on table 8-2

Risk Management

Implementing Safety Practices–topics here could include but are not limited to: Toys and Equipment, Field trips, Pets, or Transporting children

Emergency & Disaster Preparedness–topics here could include but are not limited to: fire safety, earthquake safety, or preparing for action

Topics from chapter 11 include:

Family Involvement in Health and Safety Education

Teacher Inservice in Health and Safety Education

Effective Instructional Design–topics here could include but are not limited to: topic selection, behavioral objectives, content presentation, or evaluation

Activity Plans–topics here could include but are not limited to: Yoga for wellness, understanding feelings, germs and illness prevention, hand washing, dressing right for the weather, tooth-brushing, dental health, fire safety, safety in cars, or poisonous substances

Your topics should include information about your center’s policies, what is required legally (rules/guidelines), best practices, making sure that you are taking the developmental stages of your students into consideration, and listing the potential risks or safety hazards of your particular center. You can either submit this as a word document or a Power Point. Please be sure you are detailed in the information you provide. If you were to present this, you want your peers to come away with new information.


Environmental Health and Safety Training

Environmental Health and Safety Training

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNumber of topics

10.0 pts

5 topics- 2 from Ch. 7, 2 from Ch. 8 and 1 from Ch. 11

2.0 pts

Less than 5 topics

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDetailed Information

35.0 pts

Highly Detailed- information includes high quality environments, safety management, developmental considerations, rules/guidance and potential risks or safety hazards.

18.0 pts

Some Detailed Information

0.0 pts

Little Detail

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSimilarity Score

5.0 pts

Less than 10%

3.0 pts

10%-15% similarity score

0.0 pts

More than 15%

5.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0
