answer the questions


For a consecutive 5 days track your spending:

  • Day, date and time
  • Place
  • Amount Spent
  • What you purchased
  • Want or need?
  • Emotions associated with purchase

Analyze your spending

  • Do you notice any patterns?
  • What do you notice about your emotions?
  • Do you regret making any purchases?
  • Do your spending habits contribute to your stress? If so, what changes can you make?
  • What are two insights you have gained?

Plan for the future

  • Use the SMART format to write two personal financial goals
  • Write out two goals that are:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Action-oriented
    • Realistic
    • Time-based
      • (ie I will deposit $50 from every paycheck into my bank account for the next six months)
      • (ie I will spend a maximum of 10% of my paycheck on entertainment this month)
      • (ie I will only spend $150 this month on eating out)