Social work/ assignment


Role, Advocacy and Outreach

Advocacy and Outreach Paper

For this assignment, you will plan an outreach event at your work or in the community.You will pick something that you have identified as a need.For example, as a peer recovery specialist, you may notice that your clients could benefit from relaxation tips or mindfulness exercises.Since you have very little time to do the extra things for clients while at work, you decide to hold an event.If you held an event, what would you do?What would it look like?The following are things that you should include in your paper.Additional guidelines for the structure of the paper will be at the end of the guidelines.

Topic You Intend to Focus On (roughly 3 paragraphs)

What information would you like to present at your outreach event/booth?I suggest focusing on one topic area; however, you can choose up to three.For example, as mentioned above, maybe stress reduction is the area that you would like to focus on.In this section please also include the following:


Facts about topic

Target Audience (one paragraph)

  • Who is the outreach event intended for (examples: age, gender, ethnicity, location)?It may be the client population you work with or it may be a different audience.An example would include youth ages 12-16 that live in south Minneapolis.
  • Please discuss why you would like the event to focus on the target audience you chose.For example, maybe South Minneapolis has a high rate of youth obesity so that is what you would like to focus on or maybe the population you work with struggles with activity, so you plan an event that shows them creative ways to exercise.

Where will your event be located?

  • Briefly discuss why you chose this location.
  • What will you be doing at your event?
  • What will you have as educational tools at your booth or event? (brochures, giveaways, games).Provide details of what the education tools would include and look like.
  • How will you get the people excited about the topic?
  • What do you want the audience to take away from this event?

Describe What the Outreach Event will Include (3-4 paragraphs)

Keep in mind that outreach events don’t have to be large to be impactful—you can simply set up a booth somewhere.What makes the event impactful is what you have to give the client and how you intend on teaching them.Please include the following:


  • You should type your paper in Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial size 12 font.
  • One inch or 1.25 inch margins
  • The paper should be single spaced and use the headings Topic, Target Audience, Event Location, Description of Event.Please write in complete sentences.For the sections that are longer, please write in paragraphs under the bolded heading.

Length of Paper

  • The paper should be about 2 pages